Strengthening CIOs through Connection and Conversation

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Upcoming Events

Calgary CIO events allow technology executives to network with their cross industry peers and discuss relevant trends, opportunities and challenges

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Looking at the Security Landscape through the Lens of a CISO

Join TELUS and your Calgary CIO peers for a fireside chat with Phil Owen - Chief Security Officer, TELUS Health.
Phil will share his approach to security and risk management; his thoughts on "trust" and "identity" and key shifts he is seeing in the role of CISO. Phil will address how TELUS balances being innovative, embracing new technologies and needing to move quickly, against managing the risk associated with introducing emerging technologies. We will also consider insider risk and hiring practices, continued regulation in cyber, as well as how Canada is keeping up.
CIOs we encourage you to invite your CISO to join you for this will be a dynamic and insightful discussion! And we will conclude the evening with a wine and cheese reception, while enjoying unparalleled city views.
Please reach out to me directly to invite your head of security to this event.

Fireside Chat with Light Reception to Follow

Wednesday October 30, 2024
4:30 pm - 7:00 pm

685 Centre St S, Calgary, AB T2G 2C7

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Seriously loved by CIOs

Our intimate roundtables offer an unparalleled forum to candidly discuss issues that are top of mind for CIOs.

"Calgary CIO offers a diverse range of learning sessions, covering strategic and operational topics. These sessions have provided me with fresh perspectives and practical insights that directly impact my role as CIO at the University of Calgary. The differing environments and situations have led to solid connections and valuable discussions about common technology challenges and opportunities while at the same time keeping a local perspective is especially helpful. The informal and collaborative environment at Calgary CIO events allows me to connect with fellow CIOs from various industry sectors. For me personally, one of the most valuable characteristics of the sessions is the candid nature of the discussions; there is a strong sense of both collegialism and challenge that I have rarely found in organizations of this nature. Susan has curated a wide array of topics, always ensuring that the Calgary CIO session content remains relevant to technology leaders with high-caliber speakers, in excellent venues."

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Trevor Poffenroth

Chief Information Officer

University of Calgary

"As the Chief Information Officer at Legal Aid Alberta, being a member of Calgary CIO has been a transformative experience. Calgary CIO is an essential resource for senior technology leaders of large organizations, offering a network of experienced professionals sharing critical insights and innovative solutions in a collaborative environment. The association excels in sharing thought leadership and challenging each other to better drive digital transformation and deliver greater sustained value. I highly recommend this association to any CIO looking to elevate their impact and stay at the forefront of the industry."

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Helen Knight

Chief Information Officer

Legal Aid Alberta

As Long View’s CITO, my role has evolved over the years from that of CTO to CITO and in that time, I’ve had the opportunity to network with industry leaders in many different venues and events. I found the most engaging opportunities occur during conferences but the downside is the cost of travel and time away from the office. What I’ve heard from other peers in the industry is being able to get that same experience in the same City as they are located, or at least one that’s a short commute away is ideal. There are other Organizations that host events intended to provide this opportunity, but many times those that attend are not direct peers or aren't in Leadership positions with accountability of running IT organizations so they don’t have the same networking impact. There is however a new organization called Toronto CIO with a Calgary Chapter that seems to have found the right formula. Susan Pound, Executive Director, manages the invites to these events and you have to be in a Leadership position (CIO/CTO/VP of IT) with accountability for IT. This creates a different environment for one to network with peers and because the invitations are well managed by Susan, you have a smaller more intimate group in which people can share experiences. The events are spaced out nicely from a time perspective, hosted at one of the attendees locations (where possible) and sponsored by Companies suggested by those that attend. All in all, the events hosted by Toronto CIO are well worth the investment in time to attend.

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Robin Bell

Chief Information and Technology Officer

Long View Systems

"It can often feel like you are the only person navigating the constantly evolving technology landscape. Having a peer group locally, that you have physically met and interacted with, allows you to get some unbiased and more unfiltered advice. The topics presented are broadly relevant and hearing how different organizations deal with an issue can create new ways of thinking about things for your own organization. I’ve got a lot out of being part of the Calgary CIO group."

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Penny Rae

Chief Information Officer

Alberta Health Services